Cyclonauts Bicycle Club
Springfield, Massachusetts


January Hikes

Wednesday January 29
Wednesday Hike:
 “Rockhouse Reservation”  Meet for breakfast at 8:00 AM at Crystal Springs Dairy Bar, 166 West St. Ware, Ma. Hike at 9:00 AM from the Rock House Reservation parking lot, 535 Rt.9, West Brookfield, MA, about a mile past the Rt. 32N turnoff on the left. Bring traction aids. Leader: Ray and Betty Siwinski (413) 427-6095 text is best or


February Hikes​

Saturday February 1
Saturday Hike: Open Date if you can lead a hike on this date please contact the webmaster at

Wednesday February 5
Wednesday Hike: “Mt. Sugarloaf State Reservation” Meet at 9:30 AM at the Hillside Drive parking area off of River Rd. in Sunderland. Hike the North Sugarloaf Mt. Loop Trail, about 5 miles. Strongly suggest microspikes and poles. Trail map @ dcr Mt. Sugarloaf. Bring water, lunch and / or snacks.  Leader: Paul Katz or  (413) 575-1568.

Saturday February 8
Saturday Hike: Open Date if you can lead a hike on this date please contact the webmaster at

Wednesday February 12
Wednesday Hike:  “Hike Quabbin Tower” - Meet at 8 AM for breakfast at the Roadhouse Cafe,176 Federal St.(Rt 9) Belchertown, MA. Meet at 9 AM at the Quabbin Tower Trailhead parking area on the right side of Windsor Dam Rd. off Rt. 9 (middle entrance). Approximately 5 mile loop trail to the tower, Enfield Lookout and Hank’s Meadow.  Dogs are not allowed. Leader: Betty Siwinski Text to (413) 427-6095 or

Saturday February 15
Saturday Hike: Open Date if you can lead a hike on this date please contact the webmaster at

Wednesday February 19
Wednesday Hike: “Mineral Hills Conservation”  Meet at 10 AM at the trailhead, west side of Sylvester Rd, Northampton (0.2 mi north of Ryan Rd).  About 4-5 miles of moderate terrain with a few early return options.  Traction aids may be required.  Bring lunch.  Dogs allowed on leash.  If we have sufficient snow, we will ski Notchview in Windsor, MA instead.  Bring lunch, stay the day.  No dogs allowed at Notchview.  Please call, text or email day before if in doubt.  Leader:  Glenn Barnes 201-625-2744 (call or text) or .

Saturday February 22
Saturday Hike:  Open Date if you can lead a hike on this date please contact the webmaster at

Wednesday February 26
Wednesday Hike:
“Wachusett Mountain”  Meet at 9 AM in the St Patrick’s Church parking lot, 258 Main St, Rutland, MA. Depart at 9 AM to Caravan to the trailhead in Princeton. 4 miles, moderately difficult.  Bring microspikes. Leader: Delro (508) 612-2557 prefer text. Dog friendly.

 Hikes Schedule

Pre-hike breakfasts are at the discretion of the hike leader. Please do not attend breakfast if you are not feeling well. Hikes begin at 9:00AM unless otherwise designated.  Wear clothing in layers suitable for the weather. Trails may be icy, wear appropriate footwear (i.e. traction aids). Hike leaders may refuse participation by unprepared hikers. If at least four inches of snow are on the ground the hike may be replaced by cross-country skiing or snow showing. Rain cancels. If in doubt about the conditions, contact the hike leader. We welcome non-members to join us for hikes but all non-members must sign a "release form."

General Hike Information

The content of this website is for the use of Cyclonauts Bicycle Club members only and may not be used or 
reproduced in any form without the express, written consent of the Club President.