Cyclonauts Bicycle Club
Springfield, Massachusetts
March Hikes
Saturday March 15
Saturday Hike: “Enfield/East Longmeadow” – Meet at 9 AM in the Panera Bread parking lot, 450 North Main Street, East Longmeadow, MA 01028. Carpool to the start of the hike in Enfield, then hike back on the old rail bed (part gravel, part paved), approximately 6.5 miles. Panera Bread lunch after hike. Leader: Kerry Goguen (413) 525-4029,
Wednesday March 19
Wednesday Hike: Dufresne Park, Granby, MA. Meet for breakfast at the Earlee Mug, 337 E. State St., Granby at 8 AM Hike begins at 9 AM. Park at the Kendall St. entrance. 3 1/2 to 4 miles, easy terrain, dog friendly. Leader: Ann Morin -; (413) 374-1040.
Saturday March 22
Saturday Hike: Open date- If you can lead a hike on this date, contact the webmaster at
Wednesday March 26
Wednesday Hike: “Hike Camp Yay-Apo,”. Meet for breakfast at 8:00 AM at Reid’s Corner Restaurant, 20 East Longmeadow Road, Hampden, MA. Hike begins about 9:15 from Camp-Yay Apo, 70 Camp Rd., Somers, CT. This hike has several steep sections. Bring appropriate hiking gear and snacks. Leader: Don Maynard (413) 525-3464.
Saturday March 29
Saturday Hike: “Skinner State Park” - Meet at 8 AM for breakfast at Tailgate Picnic, 7 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01057, (South Hadley Village Commons), RT 47 and 116. Relocate to Mt. Holyoke at Skinner State Park, 10 Skinner State Park Road, Hadley, MA 01035. Hike will depart at 9:00 AM. Park regulations: Dog friendly; must be kept on a leash. Leader: James DeSellier (413) 297-3880,
Hikes Schedule
Pre-hike breakfasts are at the discretion of the hike leader. Hikes begin at 9:00AM unless otherwise designated. Wear clothing in layers suitable for the weather. Trails may be icy, wear appropriate footwear (i.e. traction aids). Bring water and snacks as needed. Hike leaders may refuse participation by unprepared hikers. If at least four inches of snow are on the ground the hike may be replaced by cross-country skiing or snow showing. Rain cancels. If in doubt about the conditions, contact the hike leader. We welcome non-members to join us for hikes but all non-members must sign a "release form."
General Hike Information
The content of this website is for the use of Cyclonauts Bicycle Club members only and may not be used or
reproduced in any form without the express, written consent of the Club President.